The Glory of Christ (Jn. 17:4-7)
This is my personal summary of Rev Dr Stephen Tong's sermon on 24 March 2013 in STEMI Expository Preaching at True Way Presbyterian Church Singapore. It was preached in Chinese with English translation.
Passage: John 17:4-7
“I have brought you
glory on earth by finishing the work you gave
me to do.
And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with
the glory I had with you before the world began.” Jn. 17:4-5
Jesus glorified God during
His ministry on earth by accomplishing the work God has given Him to do. Many people have different concepts of glorifying
God. We think we glorify God by singing
or working very hard. However, Jesus has
given us the principle. We glorify God
only when we do what God wants us to do.
God searches our heart and see through our inner motives.
Jesus asked God the
Father to glorify Him because when He was on earth, He was humiliated and
punished unjustly. He was the son of
sorrow. The King worshipped in heaven
suffered greatly on earth. He took on
our curse and the hand of God was heavy upon Him. God was willing to bruise Him. The punishment of our sin was upon Him.
Jesus was worthy to
call upon His Father to glorify Him. God
sent His Son to the world that His glory may be made manifest unto us. The Son of God manifests the glory of God. Jesus said when we see Him we have seen the
Father who sent Him. If we believe in
Him, we believe in God who sent Him.
Jesus Himself is God in the flesh, the manifestation of the invisible
Everything Jesus did in
His life from His birth to His death, He glorified God. Christ become an example for us on how to
live. Every single day He lived, He lived
unto God. After 3.5 years of ministry,
He returned to the Father and said “Father glorify Your Son, that Your Son may
glorify you.”
Would you dare to say
this? How would you summarise your words
when your life has come to an end? Can
you say you have accomplished what God
wants you to do? We are so busy with our
lives, but what are we busy with? We do
many things we do not need to do, and neglect many things we need to do.
May God help us, that we may be able to boldly stand before God and say we have done what He wants us to do. That we may say as Christ says, “I have accomplished what you have asked me to do.”
Jesus also said,
“glorify Me in your presence with the glory I had
with you before the world began” (v.5). This is a grand declaration. What Jesus says here surpassees what human
can say. He declared that His glory and
God’s glory are one of the same. It is the
glory before creation. Who can declare
this? None of the religious
leaders. God the Father and God the Son share
the same glory. Indeed He is the
Christ. He is our Lord. He is not only the historical Jesus who was
born in the manger and died on the cross, He is also the Christ who exists from
eternity to eternity. He is the eternal,
the glorious One.
God took people from all
tribes, all nations, all language to Jesus.
Jesus redeemed these people with His blood that they may return to God
and gave them eternal life. May we see
the glory of Christ, and in His glory see His abundance. May we enjoy His glory the rest of our
lives. The chief purpose of our lives is
to glorify Him and enjoy Him forever. In
the name of God and in His Word, we are preserved and blessed.